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Infertility: The Silent Diagnosis

Infertility.  So much packed into one word.  It's the diagnosis that is not visible to others.  One where your emotions are compressed and a smile is plastered on your face because the moment you speak of it, platitudes from others roll out.  And let's be honest, the platitudes suck.  Really, the only thing one needs to hear is "I'm here for you.  I'm here if you need a hug, to cry it out, to vent, or to just sit in silence."  Just "I am here".   You see, infertility feels like a lonely journey.  You would never know that if you visit a fertility clinic as so many women come and go each day.  But it is lonely.  And with each pregnancy announcement from friends and family, it gets even lonelier.   I wish there were more resources available to those struggling with fertility.  More support groups, resources, understanding.  I wish I had more as I navigated the waters of fertility treatments and experienced the hope and loss and utter heart break. 

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