Bolta Faith

Cancer has not won.  God HAS won!

It may not seem like it to most people that when cancer slowly takes a life away, that God has won.  We are often asking:

Why do You allow this evil to steal lives, God?
Why hasn't the healing come?

But the reality is that with this family, God HAS won. 
Healing may not have come in the form that we had wanted, hoped and prayed for.  But healing has come.  I have watched and read testimony after testimony from the Bolta's on how even in the many valley's they've experienced, God is victorious and all glory has been given to Him. 

Just because God did not act in a way that we wanted does not mean He hasn't healed and hasn't responded to the many prayers said for this family.  Thousands of lives have been impacted by their walk, by their faith.  I am just one of the many that can say that I have been encouraged, challenged and drawn closer to God because of what they have been through. 

We have been praying for healing for John.  Crying out in prayer for healing.  But think about this Acts 3:1-11 is a story of a beggar.  Lame from birth.  Carried each day to the city gates to beg for his food and for a living.  When Peter and John walked by, the man did what he always did...beg for food.  But Peter offered him something greater.  He offered him healing.  The man was healed and his healing was a testimony to many about the works and glory of God.  The simple lesson I see in this example is that we are not to be afraid to ask God for something...but just keep in mind that He may answer in a way that we don't a way better for Him so that His name can be proclaimed.

I don't pretend to have all the answers as to why the healing has not come on earth for all those in pain.  But I do know that watching the Bolta's, John is healed.  He is walking with the Savior that he lived for, the Savior that he proclaimed was good no matter what.  And in the healing that came a different way, I've seen many people encouraged, challenged and humbled by John and Schelli's faith to remain strong in the midst of it all.  I have watched as Schelli has written from her heart...raw emotions for all to see.  Raw tears spent as she shared their life with us.  And in this, lives were changed for His glory.  In this, His Name has been proclaimed from the rooftops and all over the world. 

Inasmuch as we wanted John to remain here on earth, I believe that  even with his death, John would want all of us to keep proclaiming God's faithfulness.  Proclaiming that God is good, He does heal, He does provide and that He does love each and every one of us.  John's testimony is that God has won, not cancer.  God is still good in death.  We need to embrace Bolta like Faith and live each and every moment for Him, looking for ways to give Him praise and glory and choosing the faith that proclaims His goodness and faithfulness.  If we become angry and bitter, then yes, cancer has won.  But that is not the message that John and Schelli would want.  Look for ways to be thankful, for ways to lift your hands to Him in the midst of your darkest pain, look for ways to live each moment in His light and glory....because then He wins and John's battle was not fought in vain. 

Choose Bolta like Faith.  Because God HAS won, and always will.

John....thank you for living out your faith and for choosing to serve Him!  Your legacy lives on! 


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