Time is Ticking Away

Time has a funny way of escaping.  Either it ticks by slowly as you wait for hopeful news, or it rushes by quickly when you are trying to capture the moments.  

I have words and thoughts that I want to get out, but time slips by and before I know it, two months have escaped and I haven't written any of those thoughts down. I wish I could say I would be better in the future but I cannot guarantee that.  What I do know, is that I am learning to try and slow myself down so that I enjoy the time I have.

When I was single, I would go walking or to the gym and immediately put my headphones on wanting the noise as I pushed my body to the max.  Now as I am married and learning to juggle life with a husband and step children and all the extra curricular uber driving that comes with the kids' extracurriculars, I find that I cannot listen to anything when I am "exercising".  Sometimes I even drive in silence (GASP!).  And I don't even know if I can call it exercise anymore as it does not tax my physical body.  I find myself taking the dogs out for walks in nature, unplugged from podcasts, music, tv, social media, and just simply walk and enjoy what is around me.

Yesterday, Montana and I took a long walk and I loved hearing the trickle of water from the stream, the birds calling, trees rustling in the wind and children's laughter.  It was on this walk that I realized the stark difference between my singlehood walks and my walks now.  And neither is bad.  Each has a season and purpose.  And in my life today with so much coming at me, I find that I long for the silence and my afternoon walks are ways to reset my mind.  I feel better, have a clearer mindset and probably am a lot more pleasant to be around.

It feels like time is rushing by and in just a few short months, we will send the oldest off to college.  It still feels like I just went to college!  Slowing down and enjoying this time seems to be what my heart needs. 

What is it your heart needs in the season of life you are in?


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